Latest Replays

Ranked Solo/Duo (23:36)

Victory Ranked Solo/Duo (23:36) Defeat
3 / 5 / 1
170 CS - 10.5k gold
Refillable PotionStridebreakerTrinity ForceTunneler
Ionian Boots of LucidityStealth Ward
Doran's BladeIonian Boots of LucidityRavenous HydraEclipse
Chain VestNull-Magic MantleStealth Ward
5 / 7 / 2
177 CS - 9.3k gold
9 / 2 / 10
163 CS - 11.9k gold
Black CleaverEclipseProfane HydraMercury's Treads
Long SwordOracle Lens
Plated SteelcapsLiandry's TormentDead Man's PlateGiant's Belt
Bramble VestStealth Ward
4 / 3 / 2
172 CS - 9.7k gold
5 / 1 / 7
140 CS - 9.9k gold
Doran's RingRabadon's DeathcapSorcerer's ShoesRod of Ages
Dark SealAmplifying TomeStealth Ward
Doran's RingRefillable PotionMalignanceIonian Boots of Lucidity
Haunting GuiseFated AshesFarsight Alteration
0 / 3 / 4
154 CS - 6.9k gold
5 / 4 / 10
192 CS - 11.1k gold
Mercury's TreadsThe CollectorMortal ReminderControl Ward
Doran's BladeB. F. SwordFarsight Alteration
MuramanaTrinity ForceBootsFarsight Alteration
2 / 6 / 5
152 CS - 7.5k gold
3 / 1 / 17
14 CS - 8.9k gold
Boots of SwiftnessDream MakerMoonstone RenewerForbidden Idol
Forbidden IdolEchoes of HeliaOracle Lens
Locket of the Iron SolariCelestial OppositionBramble VestGiant's Belt
Plated SteelcapsOracle Lens
2 / 6 / 5
14 CS - 6.1k gold

Ranked Solo/Duo (17:06)

Victory Ranked Solo/Duo (17:06) Defeat
3 / 4 / 3
158 CS - 8k gold
Doran's BladeRefillable PotionBlade of The Ruined KingDagger
Berserker's GreavesRecurve BowFarsight Alteration
Doran's BladeEclipsePlated SteelcapsTiamat
Glowing MoteStealth Ward
4 / 7 / 3
104 CS - 6.7k gold
3 / 3 / 9
121 CS - 7.7k gold
EclipseIonian Boots of LucidityCaulfield's WarhammerRuby Crystal
Long SwordOracle Lens
Gustwalker HatchlingSeeker's ArmguardDark SealNashor's Tooth
Needlessly Large RodSorcerer's ShoesStealth Ward
5 / 8 / 8
88 CS - 7.9k gold
3 / 3 / 1
125 CS - 7.6k gold
Rylai's Crystal ScepterBramble VestPlated SteelcapsFiendish Codex
Doran's RingHaunting GuiseStealth Ward
Doran's RingPlated SteelcapsTrinity ForceTunneler
Caulfield's WarhammerStealth Ward
4 / 4 / 6
119 CS - 7.3k gold
25 / 2 / 3
154 CS - 15.9k gold
Berserker's GreavesBlade of The Ruined KingGuinsoo's RagebladeNull-Magic Mantle
BloodthirsterDoran's BladeFarsight Alteration
Doran's RingDaggerSheenPhage
Null-Magic MantleStealth Ward
0 / 7 / 5
47 CS - 3.8k gold
2 / 4 / 19
4 CS - 7.3k gold
Locket of the Iron SolariSolstice SleighKindlegemForbidden Idol
Boots of SwiftnessOracle Lens
Ionian Boots of LucidityBlackfire TorchZaz'Zak's RealmspikeAmplifying Tome
Oracle Lens
3 / 10 / 4
11 CS - 4.9k gold

Ranked Solo/Duo (27:47)

Defeat Ranked Solo/Duo (27:47) Victory
2 / 3 / 11
167 CS - 9.9k gold
Doran's ShieldTitanic HydraDead Man's PlatePlated Steelcaps
Giant's BeltRuby CrystalStealth Ward
Doran's BladeBloodthirsterLast WhisperBerserker's Greaves
Infinity EdgeFarsight Alteration
4 / 6 / 7
184 CS - 10.8k gold
5 / 8 / 9
141 CS - 10k gold
Frozen HeartLiandry's TormentMercury's TreadsBramble Vest
KindlegemChain VestOracle Lens
Sundered SkyKraken SlayerMercury's TreadsSterak's Gage
Long SwordCloth ArmorOracle Lens
8 / 5 / 6
208 CS - 12.4k gold
9 / 9 / 4
164 CS - 11.1k gold
Profane HydraRefillable PotionYoumuu's GhostbladeIonian Boots of Lucidity
Edge of NightLong SwordOracle Lens
Profane HydraEclipseIonian Boots of LuciditySerylda's Grudge
Edge of NightPickaxeOracle Lens
13 / 2 / 11
214 CS - 15.3k gold
5 / 8 / 6
194 CS - 10.8k gold
Spear of ShojinTrinity ForceIonian Boots of LucidityEssence Reaver
Farsight Alteration
Ionian Boots of LucidityZhonya's HourglassBlackfire TorchLiandry's Torment
Tear of the GoddessDoran's RingFarsight Alteration
11 / 7 / 14
216 CS - 13.4k gold
7 / 9 / 9
27 CS - 9.4k gold
Zaz'Zak's RealmspikeLich BaneBoots of SwiftnessRabadon's Deathcap
Amplifying TomeFarsight Alteration
Locket of the Iron SolariSolstice SleighSynchronized SoulsZeke's Convergence
Ruby CrystalOracle Lens
1 / 8 / 26
18 CS - 8.3k gold

Ranked Solo/Duo (19:31)

Defeat Ranked Solo/Duo (19:31) Victory
2 / 7 / 2
100 CS - 5.9k gold
Profane HydraDoran's BladeExecutioner's CallingBoots of Swiftness
Refillable PotionStealth Ward
Blade of The Ruined KingImmortal ShieldbowB. F. SwordBerserker's Greaves
Doran's BladeControl WardFarsight Alteration
10 / 4 / 3
186 CS - 11.3k gold
4 / 5 / 2
153 CS - 7.6k gold
Randuin's OmenLiandry's TormentBoots of SwiftnessDark Seal
Oracle Lens
Sorcerer's ShoesLich BaneHextech AlternatorDark Seal
Oracle Lens
4 / 1 / 7
137 CS - 8.5k gold
1 / 3 / 5
131 CS - 6.5k gold
Doran's RingMalignanceHextech AlternatorSorcerer's Shoes
Amplifying TomeFarsight Alteration
Profane HydraOpportunitySynchronized SoulsDoran's Blade
Serrated DirkOracle Lens
4 / 1 / 6
167 CS - 8.6k gold
4 / 10 / 2
88 CS - 7.6k gold
Infinity EdgeBloodthirsterBootsStealth Ward
Slightly Magical FootwearEssence ReaverRapid FirecannonInfinity Edge
Mortal ReminderDoran's BladeFarsight Alteration
12 / 4 / 7
170 CS - 12.9k gold
2 / 7 / 5
24 CS - 5.1k gold
Celestial OppositionCloth ArmorZeke's ConvergenceIonian Boots of Lucidity
KindlegemOracle Lens
Ionian Boots of LucidityDream MakerImperial MandateEchoes of Helia
Ruby CrystalForbidden IdolOracle Lens
2 / 3 / 19
15 CS - 8.1k gold

Ranked Solo/Duo (18:10)

Victory Ranked Solo/Duo (18:10) Defeat
2 / 2 / 2
136 CS - 7k gold
Refillable PotionMercury's TreadsStridebreakerControl Ward
TunnelerDoran's ShieldStealth Ward
Hextech RocketbeltHextech AlternatorDoran's BladeSorcerer's Shoes
Stealth Ward
1 / 4 / 2
133 CS - 5.9k gold
4 / 1 / 10
123 CS - 8.3k gold
Sundered SkyPlated SteelcapsLong SwordEclipse
Long SwordStealth Ward
Mosstomper SeedlingEclipseMercury's TreadsBlack Cleaver
Control WardOracle Lens
4 / 3 / 0
106 CS - 7.6k gold
6 / 1 / 4
154 CS - 9k gold
Doran's RingLuden's CompanionNeedlessly Large RodDark Seal
Sorcerer's ShoesAmplifying TomeOracle Lens
MalignanceSorcerer's ShoesFiendish CodexDoran's Ring
Dark SealRefillable PotionFarsight Alteration
1 / 6 / 1
149 CS - 6k gold
11 / 1 / 6
141 CS - 10k gold
Berserker's GreavesBlade of The Ruined KingPickaxeRefillable Potion
Doran's BladeRecurve BowStealth Ward
Doran's BladeVampiric ScepterBerserker's GreavesPickaxe
B. F. SwordStealth Ward
1 / 11 / 2
81 CS - 5k gold
3 / 2 / 14
14 CS - 6.2k gold
Refillable PotionSolstice SleighKindlegemBoots of Swiftness
Chain VestOracle Lens
Dream MakerIonian Boots of LucidityKindlegemBandleglass Mirror
Oracle Lens
0 / 2 / 5
19 CS - 4.6k gold