
Latest Replays with Jhin

Ranked Solo/Duo (29:32)

Victory Ranked Solo/Duo (29:32) Defeat
5 / 2 / 6
154 CS - 11.2k gold
HubrisSundered SkySteel SigilNull-Magic Mantle
Ionian Boots of LucidityCaulfield's WarhammerFarsight Alteration
Nashor's ToothDoran's RingSorcerer's ShoesBanshee's Veil
Rylai's Crystal ScepterControl WardStealth Ward
2 / 6 / 3
257 CS - 11.3k gold
15 / 1 / 12
285 CS - 16.8k gold
Blackfire TorchRabadon's DeathcapMejai's SoulstealerSorcerer's Shoes
Void StaffLiandry's TormentOracle Lens
Ionian Boots of LucidityYoumuu's GhostbladeSerrated DirkThe Collector
Oracle Lens
0 / 10 / 6
185 CS - 8.9k gold
12 / 2 / 12
195 CS - 15.1k gold
Mejai's SoulstealerHextech RocketbeltNeedlessly Large RodSorcerer's Shoes
StormsurgeCryptbloomOracle Lens
StormsurgeSorcerer's ShoesDark SealMalignance
Doran's RingOracle Lens
2 / 10 / 4
176 CS - 9.3k gold
4 / 5 / 6
230 CS - 12.8k gold
Phantom DancerEssence ReaverInfinity EdgeBerserker's Greaves
Long SwordFarsight Alteration
Statikk ShivMortal ReminderB. F. SwordBoots of Swiftness
Rapid FirecannonDoran's BladeFarsight Alteration
6 / 6 / 6
237 CS - 12.3k gold
0 / 6 / 20
28 CS - 8.3k gold
Celestial OppositionMercury's TreadsLocket of the Iron SolariKindlegem
Zeke's ConvergenceOracle Lens
KindlegemLocket of the Iron SolariCelestial OppositionControl Ward
Dead Man's PlateBoots of SwiftnessOracle Lens
6 / 4 / 5
28 CS - 8.6k gold

Ranked Solo/Duo (09:19)

Victory Ranked Solo/Duo (09:19) Defeat
1 / 0 / 0
67 CS - 3.2k gold
Doran's RingRefillable PotionHaunting GuiseFated Ashes
Stealth Ward
Spectre's CowlDoran's ShieldStealth Ward
0 / 1 / 0
39 CS - 2.2k gold
2 / 0 / 3
29 CS - 3.3k gold
Scorchclaw PupSlightly Magical FootwearCaulfield's WarhammerLong Sword
Oracle Lens
Fated AshesAmplifying TomeScorchclaw PupOracle Lens
0 / 3 / 0
26 CS - 2k gold
3 / 0 / 0
48 CS - 3.3k gold
Doran's RingLost ChapterStealth Ward
Doran's ShieldBerserker's GreavesVampiric ScepterStealth Ward
0 / 1 / 0
76 CS - 3.1k gold
1 / 2 / 3
82 CS - 4.3k gold
Doran's BladeStatikk ShivBootsStealth Ward
Doran's BladeRefillable PotionDaggerPickaxe
Long SwordStealth Ward
2 / 1 / 0
33 CS - 2.9k gold
2 / 1 / 1
13 CS - 3.3k gold
Hextech AlternatorRefillable PotionRunic CompassBoots
KindlegemOracle Lens
KindlegemNull-Magic MantleRunic CompassBoots
Oracle Lens
1 / 3 / 2
8 CS - 2.6k gold

Ranked Solo/Duo (16:35)

Victory Ranked Solo/Duo (16:35) Defeat
3 / 1 / 3
91 CS - 6.4k gold
HeartsteelBami's CinderBramble VestPlated Steelcaps
Stealth Ward
Doran's ShieldBlack CleaverBootsRuby Crystal
Long SwordStealth Ward
0 / 4 / 1
125 CS - 4.9k gold
5 / 0 / 1
151 CS - 8.2k gold
Ionian Boots of LucidityEclipsePhageStealth Ward
Gustwalker HatchlingLiandry's TormentBoots of SwiftnessCloth Armor
Dark SealOracle Lens
0 / 4 / 2
119 CS - 5.2k gold
3 / 1 / 5
132 CS - 6.6k gold
Doran's RingRefillable PotionSorcerer's ShoesLuden's Companion
Dark SealAmplifying TomeStealth Ward
Doran's ShieldBlade of The Ruined KingBerserker's GreavesStealth Ward
1 / 2 / 0
143 CS - 5.9k gold
3 / 1 / 6
148 CS - 7.3k gold
Doran's BladeRefillable PotionStatikk ShivRapid Firecannon
Boots of SwiftnessStealth Ward
Blackfire TorchSorcerer's ShoesDoran's RingTear of the Goddess
Amplifying TomeStealth Ward
2 / 4 / 2
101 CS - 5.5k gold
2 / 2 / 6
12 CS - 5k gold
Dark SealIonian Boots of LucidityDream MakerMalignance
Control WardOracle Lens
Rylai's Crystal ScepterIonian Boots of LucidityZaz'Zak's RealmspikeOracle Lens
2 / 2 / 2
25 CS - 4.4k gold

Ranked Solo/Duo (32:41)

Victory Ranked Solo/Duo (32:41) Defeat
4 / 6 / 12
280 CS - 15.8k gold
Unending DespairSunfire AegisHeartsteelPlated Steelcaps
ThornmailJak'Sho, The ProteanStealth Ward
Jak'Sho, The ProteanIceborn GauntletMercury's TreadsThornmail
Null-Magic MantleStealth Ward
5 / 7 / 13
171 CS - 12.1k gold
9 / 9 / 15
165 CS - 14k gold
Sunfire AegisHeartsteelThornmailPlated Steelcaps
Dead Man's PlatePickaxeOracle Lens
Dark SealLiandry's TormentZhonya's HourglassSorcerer's Shoes
Haunting GuiseAbyssal MaskStealth Ward
4 / 10 / 18
202 CS - 13.1k gold
20 / 13 / 13
150 CS - 16.1k gold
Rabadon's DeathcapLuden's CompanionDark SealSorcerer's Shoes
ShadowflameVoid StaffStealth Ward
Refillable PotionMuramanaProfane HydraSerylda's Grudge
Ionian Boots of LucidityPickaxeOracle Lens
7 / 12 / 10
159 CS - 11.9k gold
14 / 11 / 16
194 CS - 15.7k gold
Infinity EdgeLord Dominik's RegardsB. F. SwordStatikk Shiv
Rapid FirecannonBoots of SwiftnessFarsight Alteration
HubrisInfinity EdgeThe CollectorMercury's Treads
Lord Dominik's RegardsNoonquiverFarsight Alteration
15 / 10 / 9
200 CS - 16.4k gold
4 / 10 / 27
36 CS - 10.3k gold
Zaz'Zak's RealmspikeZhonya's HourglassRedemptionFiendish Codex
Fiendish CodexBoots of SwiftnessOracle Lens
BloodsongProfane HydraYoumuu's GhostbladeMercury's Treads
Edge of NightVoltaic CycloswordOracle Lens
18 / 12 / 14
36 CS - 16.2k gold

Ranked Solo/Duo (31:38)

Victory Ranked Solo/Duo (31:38) Defeat
3 / 2 / 12
164 CS - 11.6k gold
Ravenous HydraExecutioner's CallingSymbiotic SolesVoltaic Cyclosword
Last WhisperCloak of AgilityStealth Ward
Maw of MalmortiusRavenous HydraDoran's BladeMercury's Treads
Trinity ForceSteel SigilFarsight Alteration
4 / 6 / 6
228 CS - 13.6k gold
6 / 4 / 14
192 CS - 12.1k gold
ShadowflameStormsurgeControl WardSorcerer's Shoes
Void StaffDark SealOracle Lens
EclipseControl WardSteel SigilSundered Sky
Mercury's TreadsB. F. SwordStealth Ward
5 / 9 / 4
156 CS - 11.4k gold
8 / 4 / 16
247 CS - 14.9k gold
CryptbloomSeraph's EmbraceShadowflameNeedlessly Large Rod
Sorcerer's ShoesHextech AlternatorFarsight Alteration
Lich BaneAmplifying TomeSorcerer's ShoesStormsurge
Dark SealShadowflameStealth Ward
5 / 8 / 5
197 CS - 11.7k gold
17 / 3 / 8
317 CS - 18.9k gold
Boots of SwiftnessStatikk ShivRapid FirecannonInfinity Edge
Mortal ReminderPhantom DancerFarsight Alteration
Doran's BladeStatikk ShivBerserker's GreavesGuinsoo's Rageblade
Nashor's ToothFarsight Alteration
1 / 8 / 4
272 CS - 11.4k gold
3 / 3 / 25
24 CS - 9.8k gold
KindlegemSolstice SleighBoots of SwiftnessCosmic Drive
Locket of the Iron SolariOracle Lens
Solstice SleighControl WardNegatron CloakTrailblazer
KindlegemMercury's TreadsOracle Lens
1 / 6 / 7
32 CS - 7.3k gold