Miss Fortune

Latest Replays with Miss Fortune

Ranked Solo/Duo (25:03)

Victory Ranked Solo/Duo (25:03) Defeat
2 / 5 / 9
177 CS - 8.9k gold
Doran's ShieldRefillable PotionEclipse
Plated SteelcapsSundered SkyCloth Armor
EclipsePlated SteelcapsDoran's ShieldSpear of ShojinDeath's DanceOracle Lens
6 / 5 / 4
204 CS - 11.7k gold
14 / 4 / 9
192 CS - 13.9k gold
Mercury's TreadsNoonquiverOpportunity
Lord Dominik's RegardsThe CollectorOracle Lens
Sorcerer's ShoesLiandry's TormentBlasting WandGiant's BeltAmplifying TomeDark Seal
1 / 14 / 6
131 CS - 7.6k gold
8 / 5 / 6
171 CS - 11.3k gold
Doran's ShieldSeraph's EmbraceRod of Ages
MalignanceSorcerer's ShoesAmplifying Tome
Cosmic DriveBlackfire TorchHorizon FocusDoran's RingAmplifying TomeIonian Boots of Lucidity
11 / 7 / 2
176 CS - 11.3k gold
16 / 1 / 13
195 CS - 13.7k gold
Youmuu's GhostbladeDoran's BladePickaxe
Boots of SwiftnessRapid FirecannonLord Dominik's Regards
Doran's BladeLord Dominik's RegardsYun Tal WildarrowsPickaxeBerserker's GreavesFarsight Alteration
4 / 7 / 1
174 CS - 9.4k gold
3 / 7 / 25
25 CS - 9k gold
Celestial OppositionLocket of the Iron SolariControl Ward
Mercury's TreadsZeke's ConvergenceChain Vest
Solstice SleighLocket of the Iron SolariKindlegemCloth ArmorBoots of SwiftnessOracle Lens
0 / 10 / 8
36 CS - 6k gold

Ranked Solo/Duo (39:22)

Defeat Ranked Solo/Duo (39:22) Victory
5 / 9 / 6
255 CS - 14.3k gold
Cosmic DriveZhonya's HourglassControl Ward
Seraph's EmbraceIonian Boots of LucidityCryptbloom
Chainlaced CrushersControl WardWit's EndTrinity ForceJak'Sho, The ProteanSterak's Gage
7 / 5 / 13
268 CS - 16.4k gold
7 / 6 / 18
229 CS - 15.8k gold
Sterak's GageRanduin's OmenUnending Despair
Mercury's TreadsSpectre's CowlForce of Nature
Chainlaced CrushersZhonya's HourglassControl WardRiftmakerBloodletter's CurseLiandry's Torment
6 / 7 / 22
284 CS - 16.5k gold
10 / 6 / 10
308 CS - 19k gold
Rabadon's DeathcapHextech RocketbeltZhonya's Hourglass
Void StaffMercury's TreadsShadowflame
SwiftmarchBlackfire TorchVoid StaffLiandry's TormentRabadon's DeathcapFarsight Alteration
13 / 10 / 10
236 CS - 16.7k gold
14 / 10 / 13
301 CS - 19.2k gold
BloodthirsterMuramanaTrinity Force
Spear of ShojinIonian Boots of LuciditySerylda's Grudge
BloodthirsterEssence ReaverSwiftmarchInfinity EdgeZealLord Dominik's Regards
11 / 8 / 20
330 CS - 19.6k gold
5 / 13 / 23
41 CS - 12.4k gold
Vigilant WardstoneLocket of the Iron SolariSolstice Sleigh
TrailblazerAbyssal MaskBoots of Swiftness
Youmuu's GhostbladeBloodsongPickaxeBlack CleaverTunnelerSwiftmarch
7 / 11 / 17
58 CS - 12.2k gold

Ranked Solo/Duo (20:22)

Defeat Ranked Solo/Duo (20:22) Victory
2 / 10 / 2
98 CS - 6.7k gold
Doran's ShieldVoltaic CycloswordSerrated Dirk
RectrixLong SwordBoots
Doran's BladeNeedlessly Large RodNeedlessly Large RodPlated SteelcapsRiftmakerNashor's Tooth
9 / 5 / 3
159 CS - 11.3k gold
9 / 6 / 4
120 CS - 9.8k gold
Seeker's ArmguardControl WardRylai's Crystal Scepter
Liandry's TormentSorcerer's ShoesOracle Lens
Black CleaverEclipseIonian Boots of LucidityStealth Ward
5 / 3 / 5
126 CS - 8.7k gold
0 / 6 / 1
128 CS - 5.7k gold
Doran's ShieldBlade of The Ruined KingLong Sword
Berserker's GreavesDaggerStealth Ward
Blackfire TorchSwiftmarchDoran's RingCosmic DriveBlighting JewelFarsight Alteration
5 / 2 / 5
206 CS - 10.7k gold
4 / 9 / 5
136 CS - 7.9k gold
Youmuu's GhostbladeCloak of AgilityPickaxe
Doran's BladeBoots of SwiftnessVampiric Scepter
Doran's BladeSpear of ShojinMuramanaTrinity ForceIonian Boots of LucidityControl Ward
15 / 3 / 6
168 CS - 12.6k gold
3 / 7 / 8
23 CS - 6.4k gold
Celestial OppositionMercury's TreadsZeke's Convergence
KindlegemNull-Magic MantleCloth Armor
Dark SealRefillable PotionHorizon FocusZaz'Zak's RealmspikeSynchronized SoulsNeedlessly Large Rod
3 / 5 / 11
24 CS - 7.2k gold

Ranked Solo/Duo (25:51)

Victory Ranked Solo/Duo (25:51) Defeat
10 / 2 / 5
195 CS - 12.9k gold
SwiftmarchRiftmakerUnending Despair
Hollow RadianceStealth Ward
Boots of SwiftnessNashor's ToothGuinsoo's RagebladeDoran's RingFarsight Alteration
0 / 7 / 1
230 CS - 9k gold
7 / 2 / 21
168 CS - 12k gold
Mejai's SoulstealerLiandry's TormentFrozen Heart
Negatron CloakSpectre's CowlIonian Boots of Lucidity
Black CleaverRuby CrystalControl WardTrinity ForceSlightly Magical FootwearRuby Crystal
2 / 7 / 5
123 CS - 8.4k gold
8 / 2 / 7
178 CS - 10.3k gold
Spear of ShojinSteel SigilLong Sword
EclipseMercury's TreadsDoran's Shield
Rabadon's DeathcapBlackfire TorchSorcerer's ShoesLiandry's TormentFarsight Alteration
4 / 4 / 3
208 CS - 10.8k gold
8 / 7 / 13
217 CS - 12.1k gold
Doran's BladeBloodthirsterEssence Reaver
BootsDaggerLord Dominik's Regards
Spear of ShojinLong SwordLong SwordIonian Boots of LucidityTrinity ForceMuramana
12 / 10 / 2
167 CS - 11.1k gold
2 / 5 / 22
35 CS - 9k gold
Solstice SleighForbidden IdolEchoes of Helia
Moonstone RenewerIonian Boots of LucidityDark Seal
Celestial OppositionLocket of the Iron SolariKindlegemNull-Magic MantlePlated SteelcapsOracle Lens
0 / 8 / 11
13 CS - 6k gold

Ranked Solo/Duo (30:01)

Defeat Ranked Solo/Duo (30:01) Victory
6 / 9 / 6
244 CS - 12.8k gold
Liandry's TormentShadowflameDoran's Ring
Spellslinger's ShoesStormsurgeStealth Ward
Trinity ForceImmortal ShieldbowInfinity EdgeThe CollectorMercury's TreadsOracle Lens
8 / 5 / 6
214 CS - 15.6k gold
6 / 5 / 13
203 CS - 12.2k gold
Crimson LucidityBlackfire TorchDark Seal
Liandry's TormentCryptbloomFiendish Codex
ShadowflameStormsurgeDark SealSorcerer's ShoesBanshee's VeilNeedlessly Large Rod
15 / 6 / 5
160 CS - 14.1k gold
9 / 9 / 8
214 CS - 14.5k gold
Death's DanceTerminusBlade of The Ruined King
Mercury's TreadsKraken SlayerOracle Lens
Doran's RingRanduin's OmenShattered ArmguardPlated SteelcapsHollow RadianceDark Seal
2 / 10 / 19
166 CS - 10.6k gold
8 / 10 / 3
177 CS - 12.6k gold
Doran's BladeInfinity EdgeThe Collector
Rapid FirecannonSwiftmarchLong Sword
ZealMercury's TreadsThe CollectorImmortal ShieldbowBloodthirsterInfinity Edge
12 / 7 / 12
269 CS - 18.2k gold
3 / 9 / 10
15 CS - 7.9k gold
Celestial OppositionLocket of the Iron SolariControl Ward
Zeke's ConvergenceSwiftmarchRuby Crystal
BloodsongRedemptionDead Man's PlateLocket of the Iron SolariBoots of SwiftnessOracle Lens
5 / 4 / 29
21 CS - 10.7k gold