
Latest Replays with Mel

Ranked Solo/Duo (23:41)

Defeat Ranked Solo/Duo (23:41) Victory
1 / 7 / 4
171 CS - 7.9k gold
Dark SealRefillable PotionNashor's Tooth
Sorcerer's ShoesOblivion OrbHaunting Guise
Doran's ShieldEclipseVoltaic CycloswordHexdrinkerBootsOracle Lens
6 / 6 / 1
222 CS - 10.5k gold
2 / 6 / 3
129 CS - 7.4k gold
Control WardEclipseTunneler
Long SwordLong SwordPlated Steelcaps
Trinity ForceThe CollectorBoots of SwiftnessCloak of AgilityOracle Lens
4 / 3 / 8
161 CS - 9.7k gold
5 / 8 / 1
152 CS - 8.7k gold
Doran's RingShadowflameLuden's Companion
Sorcerer's ShoesDark SealAmplifying Tome
Spellslinger's ShoesMejai's SoulstealerBlackfire TorchHorizon FocusFarsight Alteration
10 / 0 / 1
183 CS - 11k gold
3 / 4 / 2
218 CS - 9.6k gold
Trinity ForceTunnelerMuramana
Doran's BladeIonian Boots of LucidityPickaxe
Doran's BladeBerserker's GreavesNegatron CloakBlade of The Ruined KingGuinsoo's RagebladeRuby Crystal
2 / 1 / 5
238 CS - 10.6k gold
1 / 0 / 4
70 CS - 6.4k gold
Celestial OppositionLocket of the Iron SolariKindlegem
Plated SteelcapsForbidden IdolControl Ward
BloodsongDead Man's PlateNegatron CloakBoots of SwiftnessRecurve BowDark Seal
3 / 2 / 10
25 CS - 7.3k gold

Ranked Solo/Duo (18:33)

Defeat Ranked Solo/Duo (18:33) Victory
0 / 4 / 0
120 CS - 5k gold
Doran's ShieldIceborn GauntletCloth Armor
BootsStealth Ward
Black CleaverPickaxeDoran's ShieldEclipsePlated SteelcapsOracle Lens
3 / 0 / 2
188 CS - 8.7k gold
0 / 5 / 1
114 CS - 5.3k gold
Control WardNull-Magic MantleSundered Sky
Slightly Magical FootwearRuby CrystalRuby Crystal
PhagePickaxeMercury's TreadsSundered SkyRuby CrystalGlowing Mote
5 / 0 / 9
128 CS - 7.9k gold
1 / 4 / 0
168 CS - 6.3k gold
Doran's RingAmplifying TomeMalignance
BootsHaunting GuiseDark Seal
KindlegemBlackfire TorchAether WispMercury's TreadsDark SealDoran's Ring
4 / 2 / 2
156 CS - 7.5k gold
1 / 4 / 0
148 CS - 6.1k gold
Doran's BladeTrinity ForceTear of the Goddess
Boots of SwiftnessFarsight Alteration
BootsMejai's SoulstealerHorizon FocusBlackfire TorchDoran's RingStealth Ward
8 / 1 / 7
154 CS - 8.9k gold
1 / 6 / 1
28 CS - 4.4k gold
Celestial OppositionLocket of the Iron SolariRuby Crystal
Refillable PotionBootsOracle Lens
Locket of the Iron SolariCelestial OppositionControl WardKindlegemMejai's SoulstealerSynchronized Souls
3 / 0 / 14
31 CS - 6.8k gold

Ranked Solo/Duo (25:41)

Victory Ranked Solo/Duo (25:41) Defeat
1 / 1 / 7
196 CS - 9.4k gold
Refillable PotionUnending DespairDoran's Shield
Iceborn GauntletMercury's TreadsFarsight Alteration
Plated SteelcapsTrinity ForceBlack CleaverDoran's ShieldStealth Ward
3 / 6 / 4
207 CS - 9.3k gold
11 / 3 / 10
210 CS - 14.6k gold
Aether WispNashor's ToothMercury's Treads
Dead Man's PlateBoots of SwiftnessLiandry's TormentDark SealNegatron CloakKindlegem
4 / 7 / 11
145 CS - 9.9k gold
6 / 7 / 8
215 CS - 12.7k gold
Trinity ForceMercury's TreadsMuramana
DaggerMortal ReminderControl Ward
Rabadon's DeathcapCosmic DriveIonian Boots of LucidityRiftmakerFarsight Alteration
10 / 10 / 7
172 CS - 11.5k gold
13 / 3 / 5
183 CS - 12.6k gold
Spellslinger's ShoesMejai's SoulstealerHaunting Guise
Blackfire TorchHorizon FocusAmplifying Tome
Doran's BladeMuramanaTrinity ForceLong SwordIonian Boots of LucidityFarsight Alteration
2 / 6 / 7
190 CS - 8.6k gold
7 / 9 / 17
13 CS - 10k gold
BloodsongHubrisVoltaic Cyclosword
Slightly Magical FootwearMaw of MalmortiusOracle Lens
Celestial OppositionBoots of SwiftnessLiandry's TormentMalignanceScarecrow Effigy
4 / 9 / 11
44 CS - 7.6k gold

Ranked Solo/Duo (28:17)

Victory Ranked Solo/Duo (28:17) Defeat
7 / 2 / 16
170 CS - 13.6k gold
Seeker's ArmguardSorcerer's ShoesShadowflame
Lich BaneStormsurgeDoran's Ring
Doran's BladeHexdrinkerSpear of ShojinSerrated DirkBootsStealth Ward
0 / 10 / 2
121 CS - 7.2k gold
12 / 2 / 5
242 CS - 14.5k gold
Youmuu's GhostbladeImmortal ShieldbowMercury's Treads
The CollectorLast WhisperCloak of Agility
Black CleaverEclipseIonian Boots of LucidityMaw of MalmortiusControl WardLong Sword
6 / 6 / 3
210 CS - 11.1k gold
3 / 6 / 6
242 CS - 12.2k gold
Banshee's VeilShadowflameLuden's Companion
Doran's RingSorcerer's ShoesAmplifying Tome
Doran's RingSeraph's EmbraceFiendish CodexSorcerer's ShoesRabadon's DeathcapFiendish Codex
6 / 3 / 3
209 CS - 10.4k gold
4 / 6 / 6
178 CS - 11.4k gold
Youmuu's GhostbladeMuramanaBoots of Swiftness
Serylda's GrudgeDoran's BladeFarsight Alteration
Seraph's EmbraceBlasting WandRabadon's DeathcapSorcerer's ShoesBlighting JewelDoran's Ring
6 / 3 / 1
204 CS - 11.1k gold
3 / 4 / 16
23 CS - 8.6k gold
TrailblazerLocket of the Iron SolariCelestial Opposition
Forever ForwardRuby CrystalOracle Lens
BloodsongNegatron CloakBoots of SwiftnessDead Man's PlateSpectre's CowlOracle Lens
1 / 7 / 13
17 CS - 7.5k gold

Ranked Solo/Duo (29:09)

Defeat Ranked Solo/Duo (29:09) Victory
3 / 6 / 3
244 CS - 11.6k gold
Trinity ForceMuramanaRapid Firecannon
Doran's BladeBoots of SwiftnessNoonquiver
Trinity ForceQuicksilver SashMuramanaSerylda's GrudgeIonian Boots of LuciditySpear of Shojin
15 / 3 / 11
262 CS - 16.6k gold
7 / 5 / 7
204 CS - 13.6k gold
Sterak's GageExperimental HexplateBlack Cleaver
PhageMercury's TreadsDagger
Mercury's TreadsEclipseControl WardSundered SkyRuby CrystalBlack Cleaver
9 / 5 / 10
146 CS - 11.9k gold
4 / 5 / 5
236 CS - 11.3k gold
Tear of the GoddessHaunting GuiseFiendish Codex
Blackfire TorchLiandry's TormentMercury's Treads
Dark SealSeeker's ArmguardDoran's RingMercury's TreadsRiftmakerHollow Radiance
1 / 5 / 7
223 CS - 10.3k gold
2 / 5 / 1
269 CS - 11.8k gold
Chainlaced CrushersControl WardUnending Despair
Warden's MailKaenic RookernThornmail
Sorcerer's ShoesBlackfire TorchVerdant BarrierVoid StaffDark SealDoran's Ring
3 / 3 / 9
159 CS - 10.2k gold
2 / 8 / 10
27 CS - 7.7k gold
Mercury's TreadsLocket of the Iron SolariControl Ward
Mikael's BlessingCelestial OppositionOracle Lens
Celestial OppositionLocket of the Iron SolariRedemptionBoots of SwiftnessRuby CrystalOracle Lens
1 / 2 / 20
23 CS - 8k gold