Miss Fortune

Replays with a High KDA by Miss Fortune

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Ranked Solo/Duo (25:03)

Victory Ranked Solo/Duo (25:03) Defeat
2 / 5 / 9
177 CS - 8.9k gold
Doran's ShieldRefillable PotionEclipse
Plated SteelcapsSundered SkyCloth Armor
EclipsePlated SteelcapsDoran's ShieldSpear of ShojinDeath's DanceOracle Lens
6 / 5 / 4
204 CS - 11.7k gold
14 / 4 / 9
192 CS - 13.9k gold
Mercury's TreadsNoonquiverOpportunity
Lord Dominik's RegardsThe CollectorOracle Lens
Sorcerer's ShoesLiandry's TormentBlasting WandGiant's BeltAmplifying TomeDark Seal
1 / 14 / 6
131 CS - 7.6k gold
8 / 5 / 6
171 CS - 11.3k gold
Doran's ShieldSeraph's EmbraceRod of Ages
MalignanceSorcerer's ShoesAmplifying Tome
Cosmic DriveBlackfire TorchHorizon FocusDoran's RingAmplifying TomeIonian Boots of Lucidity
11 / 7 / 2
176 CS - 11.3k gold
16 / 1 / 13
195 CS - 13.7k gold
Youmuu's GhostbladeDoran's BladePickaxe
Boots of SwiftnessRapid FirecannonLord Dominik's Regards
Doran's BladeLord Dominik's RegardsYun Tal WildarrowsPickaxeBerserker's GreavesFarsight Alteration
4 / 7 / 1
174 CS - 9.4k gold
3 / 7 / 25
25 CS - 9k gold
Celestial OppositionLocket of the Iron SolariControl Ward
Mercury's TreadsZeke's ConvergenceChain Vest
Solstice SleighLocket of the Iron SolariKindlegemCloth ArmorBoots of SwiftnessOracle Lens
0 / 10 / 8
36 CS - 6k gold

Ranked Solo/Duo (23:13)

Victory Ranked Solo/Duo (23:13) Defeat
2 / 5 / 6
186 CS - 10.1k gold
Doran's BladeBlack CleaverChainlaced Crushers
EclipseStealth Ward
Doran's ShieldFimbulwinterUnending DespairPlated SteelcapsStealth Ward
2 / 6 / 8
120 CS - 7k gold
8 / 3 / 9
155 CS - 11.1k gold
Liandry's TormentMejai's SoulstealerControl Ward
Iceborn GauntletAmplifying TomeMercury's Treads
Caulfield's WarhammerEclipseCloth ArmorTunnelerBootsStealth Ward
2 / 6 / 5
141 CS - 7.7k gold
10 / 4 / 6
181 CS - 11.4k gold
Wit's EndBlade of The Ruined KingDoran's Shield
Gunmetal GreavesPickaxeStealth Ward
Shattered ArmguardStormsurgeShadowflameDoran's RingSorcerer's ShoesOracle Lens
9 / 5 / 0
175 CS - 10.5k gold
7 / 1 / 10
210 CS - 11.6k gold
Doran's BladeB. F. SwordBoots of Swiftness
BloodthirsterEssence ReaverPickaxe
Infinity EdgeEssence ReaverIonian Boots of LucidityDoran's BladeFarsight Alteration
2 / 4 / 0
192 CS - 8.3k gold
1 / 2 / 21
20 CS - 7.7k gold
Zeke's ConvergenceWinged MoonplateCelestial Opposition
Crimson LucidityCloth ArmorOracle Lens
Winged MoonplateRuby CrystalControl WardCelestial OppositionChain VestBoots of Swiftness
0 / 7 / 6
12 CS - 5.2k gold