Miss Fortune

Twitch Replays

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Ranked Solo/Duo (25:51)

Victory Ranked Solo/Duo (25:51) Defeat
10 / 2 / 5
195 CS - 12.9k gold
SwiftmarchRiftmakerUnending Despair
Hollow RadianceStealth Ward
Boots of SwiftnessNashor's ToothGuinsoo's RagebladeDoran's RingFarsight Alteration
0 / 7 / 1
230 CS - 9k gold
7 / 2 / 21
168 CS - 12k gold
Mejai's SoulstealerLiandry's TormentFrozen Heart
Negatron CloakSpectre's CowlIonian Boots of Lucidity
Black CleaverRuby CrystalControl WardTrinity ForceSlightly Magical FootwearRuby Crystal
2 / 7 / 5
123 CS - 8.4k gold
8 / 2 / 7
178 CS - 10.3k gold
Spear of ShojinSteel SigilLong Sword
EclipseMercury's TreadsDoran's Shield
Rabadon's DeathcapBlackfire TorchSorcerer's ShoesLiandry's TormentFarsight Alteration
4 / 4 / 3
208 CS - 10.8k gold
8 / 7 / 13
217 CS - 12.1k gold
Doran's BladeBloodthirsterEssence Reaver
BootsDaggerLord Dominik's Regards
Spear of ShojinLong SwordLong SwordIonian Boots of LucidityTrinity ForceMuramana
12 / 10 / 2
167 CS - 11.1k gold
2 / 5 / 22
35 CS - 9k gold
Solstice SleighForbidden IdolEchoes of Helia
Moonstone RenewerIonian Boots of LucidityDark Seal
Celestial OppositionLocket of the Iron SolariKindlegemNull-Magic MantlePlated SteelcapsOracle Lens
0 / 8 / 11
13 CS - 6k gold

Ranked Solo/Duo (30:21)

Defeat Ranked Solo/Duo (30:21) Victory
7 / 6 / 5
253 CS - 14.9k gold
Nashor's ToothCosmic DriveMejai's Soulstealer
Lich BaneNeedlessly Large RodSwiftmarch
Plated SteelcapsSunfire AegisThornmailJak'Sho, The ProteanKindlegemStealth Ward
7 / 6 / 14
150 CS - 12k gold
5 / 7 / 5
185 CS - 12.2k gold
Sundered SkyTrinity ForceSterak's Gage
Long SwordPlated SteelcapsOracle Lens
RiftmakerAbyssal MaskLiandry's TormentDark SealUnending DespairMercury's Treads
10 / 5 / 14
256 CS - 15.8k gold
4 / 7 / 2
220 CS - 10.6k gold
Doran's BladeBlade of The Ruined KingSorcerer's Shoes
Kraken SlayerHearthbound AxeRecurve Bow
StridebreakerBerserker's GreavesBlade of The Ruined KingImmortal ShieldbowInfinity EdgeOracle Lens
11 / 2 / 7
267 CS - 17.1k gold
5 / 8 / 3
180 CS - 12.4k gold
Doran's BladeBerserker's GreavesLord Dominik's Regards
BloodthirsterThe CollectorFarsight Alteration
BloodthirsterBerserker's GreavesLord Dominik's RegardsDoran's BladeEssence ReaverB. F. Sword
8 / 4 / 13
252 CS - 14.4k gold
0 / 8 / 5
42 CS - 7.2k gold
BloodsongLocket of the Iron SolariControl Ward
Bramble VestRuby CrystalChainlaced Crushers
Dream MakerMikael's BlessingRedemptionMoonstone RenewerOracle Lens
0 / 4 / 23
11 CS - 8.9k gold

Ranked Solo/Duo (27:09)

Defeat Ranked Solo/Duo (27:09) Victory
3 / 7 / 5
194 CS - 10.3k gold
Negatron CloakPlated SteelcapsBlack Cleaver
Sterak's GageGiant's BeltCloth Armor
Doran's ShieldBerserker's GreavesBlade of The Ruined KingImmortal ShieldbowCloak of AgilityPickaxe
4 / 5 / 6
227 CS - 11.7k gold
6 / 2 / 4
197 CS - 10.9k gold
Chainlaced CrushersSundered SkyBlack Cleaver
HexdrinkerOracle Lens
Oblivion OrbSeeker's ArmguardLiandry's TormentDark SealSorcerer's ShoesShadowflame
2 / 4 / 11
224 CS - 11.9k gold
5 / 4 / 1
228 CS - 10.9k gold
Shattered ArmguardHextech RocketbeltDoran's Ring
Dark SealSorcerer's ShoesShadowflame
Zhonya's HourglassLich BaneIonian Boots of LucidityDark SealDoran's RingOracle Lens
2 / 2 / 10
157 CS - 9.6k gold
9 / 4 / 3
252 CS - 13.8k gold
Rapid FirecannonLord Dominik's RegardsEssence Reaver
Boots of SwiftnessInfinity EdgeFarsight Alteration
Serpent's FangDoran's BladeThe CollectorBerserker's GreavesMortal ReminderFarsight Alteration
4 / 9 / 12
212 CS - 12.9k gold
1 / 9 / 11
29 CS - 7.3k gold
Refillable PotionShattered ArmguardCelestial Opposition
Seraph's EmbraceIonian Boots of LucidityOracle Lens
BloodsongYoumuu's GhostbladeBoots of SwiftnessUmbral GlaiveSerrated DirkOracle Lens
14 / 4 / 5
27 CS - 10.9k gold

Ranked Solo/Duo (29:01)

Victory Ranked Solo/Duo (29:01) Defeat
6 / 3 / 3
279 CS - 14.4k gold
Gunmetal GreavesNashor's ToothBloodletter's Curse
RiftmakerMejai's SoulstealerDoran's Ring
Mercury's TreadsKaenic RookernIceborn GauntletJak'Sho, The ProteanDoran's ShieldOracle Lens
6 / 5 / 5
196 CS - 11.2k gold
7 / 5 / 9
168 CS - 12.5k gold
Sundered SkyArmored AdvanceControl Ward
Death's DanceTrinity ForceOracle Lens
Mercury's TreadsSundered SkyBlack CleaverMaw of MalmortiusTunnelerOracle Lens
10 / 6 / 7
182 CS - 12.1k gold
7 / 4 / 8
189 CS - 12.1k gold
Rabadon's DeathcapShadowflameBlackfire Torch
Sorcerer's ShoesAmplifying TomeFarsight Alteration
Lich BaneShadowflameSeeker's ArmguardBootsDark SealOracle Lens
4 / 10 / 2
175 CS - 9.5k gold
10 / 9 / 2
209 CS - 14.2k gold
The CollectorDoran's BladeB. F. Sword
Mortal ReminderBerserker's GreavesSerpent's Fang
Doran's BladeBloodthirsterEssence ReaverBerserker's GreavesLord Dominik's RegardsCloak of Agility
7 / 5 / 4
277 CS - 12.7k gold
0 / 9 / 10
16 CS - 7k gold
Zaz'Zak's RealmspikeLocket of the Iron SolariSwiftmarch
KindlegemCloth ArmorOracle Lens
Zaz'Zak's RealmspikeImperial MandateControl WardMalignanceAmplifying TomeIonian Boots of Lucidity
3 / 6 / 15
36 CS - 7.9k gold

Ranked Solo/Duo (23:13)

Defeat Ranked Solo/Duo (23:13) Victory
0 / 4 / 1
186 CS - 7.7k gold
Phantom DancerRefillable PotionStridebreaker
Boots of SwiftnessOracle Lens
Gunmetal GreavesNashor's ToothDark SealLiandry's TormentRuby CrystalDoran's Ring
3 / 1 / 1
234 CS - 10k gold
7 / 4 / 1
151 CS - 9.8k gold
Mercury's TreadsRuby CrystalSundered Sky
EclipseStealth Ward
RectrixPlated SteelcapsBlade of The Ruined KingGuinsoo's RagebladeDaggerOracle Lens
15 / 2 / 2
167 CS - 11.5k gold
2 / 4 / 5
163 CS - 7.7k gold
Doran's RingLuden's CompanionFiendish Codex
Boots of SwiftnessDark SealFiendish Codex
Seraph's EmbraceDark SealIonian Boots of LucidityAmplifying TomeRod of AgesOracle Lens
4 / 0 / 9
177 CS - 9.2k gold
2 / 7 / 6
177 CS - 8.4k gold
Doran's BladeBloodthirsterEssence Reaver
Long SwordBootsLong Sword
Doran's BladeB. F. SwordYun Tal WildarrowsBerserker's GreavesVampiric ScepterLong Sword
0 / 5 / 10
156 CS - 7.9k gold
0 / 6 / 8
19 CS - 5.4k gold
Dream MakerRefillable PotionIonian Boots of Lucidity
Moonstone RenewerAether WispControl Ward
Dream MakerIonian Boots of LucidityForbidden IdolForbidden IdolMikael's BlessingMoonstone Renewer
3 / 3 / 16
32 CS - 7.8k gold