
Twitch Replays

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Ranked Solo/Duo (26:38)

Victory Ranked Solo/Duo (26:38) Defeat
5 / 0 / 4
273 CS - 14.9k gold
Iceborn GauntletNegatron CloakSundered Sky
Sterak's GageMercury's TreadsSpectre's Cowl
Ionian Boots of LucidityDead Man's PlateRuby CrystalBami's CinderBramble VestStealth Ward
0 / 3 / 3
128 CS - 7.1k gold
7 / 1 / 12
157 CS - 10.8k gold
Spear of ShojinSwiftmarchSundered Sky
Ruby CrystalRuby CrystalOracle Lens
Plated SteelcapsEclipseBlack CleaverTunnelerOracle Lens
0 / 8 / 4
190 CS - 8.7k gold
3 / 4 / 8
186 CS - 9.8k gold
Doran's RingMalignanceAmplifying Tome
Sorcerer's ShoesLich BaneAmplifying Tome
Blighting JewelBlasting WandLiandry's TormentDark SealBlackfire TorchIonian Boots of Lucidity
4 / 1 / 1
247 CS - 10.6k gold
9 / 0 / 9
242 CS - 13.5k gold
Doran's BladeTrinity ForceMuramana
Spear of ShojinCrimson LucidityGlowing Mote
Doran's BladeThe CollectorRunaan's HurricaneLord Dominik's RegardsBerserker's GreavesFarsight Alteration
4 / 6 / 1
226 CS - 11.2k gold
1 / 3 / 20
25 CS - 7.7k gold
Knight's VowLocket of the Iron SolariCelestial Opposition
Control WardMercury's TreadsOracle Lens
Dream MakerIonian Boots of LucidityArdent CenserForbidden IdolFiendish CodexOracle Lens
0 / 7 / 5
15 CS - 5.6k gold

Ranked Solo/Duo (28:40)

Victory Ranked Solo/Duo (28:40) Defeat
10 / 5 / 2
204 CS - 13.5k gold
Sundered SkySpear of ShojinSteel Sigil
EclipseCrimson LucidityPickaxe
Long SwordSundered SkyBootsBlade of The Ruined KingDoran's ShieldLong Sword
2 / 9 / 2
122 CS - 8.2k gold
7 / 2 / 14
202 CS - 13.7k gold
Sundered SkyChainlaced CrushersSterak's Gage
Titanic HydraOracle Lens
Spear of ShojinLiandry's TormentDark SealRiftmakerAether WispSlightly Magical Footwear
4 / 6 / 9
226 CS - 11.7k gold
6 / 5 / 9
202 CS - 11.9k gold
Luden's CompanionDark SealShadowflame
Spellslinger's ShoesDoran's RingBlighting Jewel
Mercury's TreadsBanshee's VeilDark SealNeedlessly Large RodShadowflameNashor's Tooth
6 / 6 / 3
265 CS - 13k gold
18 / 2 / 10
236 CS - 15.9k gold
Rabadon's DeathcapCosmic DriveIonian Boots of Lucidity
Void StaffSeraph's EmbraceFarsight Alteration
Doran's BladeEssence ReaverBoots of SwiftnessBloodthirsterLong SwordLong Sword
0 / 13 / 8
193 CS - 9.3k gold
3 / 6 / 22
24 CS - 8.9k gold
Hextech RocketbeltSorcerer's ShoesDark Seal
Shurelya's BattlesongBloodsongOracle Lens
BloodsongEclipseBlack CleaverSynchronized SoulsTunnelerLong Sword
8 / 10 / 1
35 CS - 9.4k gold

Ranked Solo/Duo (34:10)

Victory Ranked Solo/Duo (34:10) Defeat
11 / 8 / 10
270 CS - 17.4k gold
B. F. SwordGunmetal GreavesLord Dominik's Regards
Infinity EdgeYun Tal WildarrowsPhantom Dancer
Plated SteelcapsSterak's GageWit's EndTrinity ForceBlack CleaverFarsight Alteration
10 / 12 / 8
197 CS - 15.1k gold
8 / 8 / 12
168 CS - 13.8k gold
Control WardKindlegemSwiftmarch
Sundered SkySpirit VisageUnending Despair
Blackfire TorchZhonya's HourglassBlighting JewelSorcerer's ShoesOblivion OrbLiandry's Torment
10 / 13 / 9
228 CS - 15k gold
16 / 9 / 6
214 CS - 16.8k gold
Rabadon's DeathcapVoid StaffBlackfire Torch
Crimson LucidityHorizon FocusVerdant Barrier
Void StaffIonian Boots of LuciditySeraph's EmbraceRod of AgesBlackfire TorchAmplifying Tome
8 / 8 / 5
260 CS - 14.1k gold
5 / 5 / 7
169 CS - 12.2k gold
Doran's ShieldSunfire AegisChainlaced Crushers
Unending DespairForce of NatureRuby Crystal
Doran's BladeBoots of SwiftnessTrinity ForceMuramanaLord Dominik's RegardsPickaxe
5 / 4 / 3
245 CS - 12.2k gold
2 / 4 / 25
24 CS - 11k gold
Bandleglass MirrorRedemptionDream Maker
Crimson LucidityMoonstone RenewerArdent Censer
Solstice SleighKindlegemBoots of SwiftnessTrailblazerNegatron CloakControl Ward
0 / 6 / 16
8 CS - 8k gold

Ranked Solo/Duo (22:38)

Defeat Ranked Solo/Duo (22:38) Victory
1 / 3 / 2
179 CS - 7.9k gold
Doran's ShieldPlated SteelcapsHeartsteel
Unending DespairFarsight Alteration
Doran's BladeSpear of ShojinBoots of SwiftnessMuramanaLong SwordLong Sword
1 / 3 / 5
192 CS - 8.9k gold
1 / 7 / 7
94 CS - 6.7k gold
Ruby CrystalMercury's TreadsSundered Sky
PhageOracle Lens
Black CleaverSundered SkyMercury's TreadsRuby CrystalPickaxeRuby Crystal
9 / 3 / 7
161 CS - 10.9k gold
3 / 7 / 4
149 CS - 7.7k gold
Doran's RingBlackfire TorchRefillable Potion
Needlessly Large RodBoots of SwiftnessHextech Alternator
Liandry's TormentBlackfire TorchDark SealSpellslinger's ShoesAmplifying TomeDoran's Ring
6 / 3 / 5
167 CS - 11k gold
7 / 4 / 1
184 CS - 9.4k gold
Doran's BladeGuinsoo's RagebladeKraken Slayer
Berserker's GreavesFiendish CodexBlasting Wand
Ionian Boots of LuciditySpear of ShojinMuramanaTrinity ForceFarsight Alteration
6 / 1 / 6
198 CS - 11.6k gold
2 / 3 / 3
55 CS - 6.4k gold
Ravenous HydraBloodsongBoots
Long SwordLong SwordThe Brutalizer
Celestial OppositionArmored AdvanceLocket of the Iron SolariChain VestControl WardRuby Crystal
2 / 4 / 10
23 CS - 6.8k gold

Ranked Solo/Duo (30:40)

Victory Ranked Solo/Duo (30:40) Defeat
1 / 6 / 7
222 CS - 10.9k gold
Cosmic DriveDoran's RingBoots of Swiftness
Refillable PotionRiftmakerBlighting Jewel
Dead Man's PlateSorcerer's ShoesDark SealLiandry's TormentAbyssal MaskAmplifying Tome
6 / 3 / 5
237 CS - 12.1k gold
5 / 5 / 14
163 CS - 11.3k gold
Unending DespairBlack CleaverControl Ward
Abyssal MaskMercury's TreadsOracle Lens
RedemptionControl WardDawncoreFiendish CodexIonian Boots of LucidityMoonstone Renewer
0 / 5 / 16
172 CS - 9.7k gold
10 / 3 / 7
194 CS - 13.5k gold
Doran's RingRabadon's DeathcapBlasting Wand
Blackfire TorchIonian Boots of LucidityLich Bane
Wit's EndSteel SigilBerserker's GreavesImmortal ShieldbowBlade of The Ruined KingJak'Sho, The Protean
6 / 9 / 5
272 CS - 15.2k gold
9 / 4 / 11
284 CS - 16.6k gold
Blade of The Ruined KingJak'Sho, The ProteanGuinsoo's Rageblade
TerminusBerserker's GreavesFarsight Alteration
ZealYun Tal WildarrowsBerserker's GreavesMortal ReminderInfinity EdgeDagger
11 / 7 / 7
234 CS - 13.8k gold
7 / 7 / 15
35 CS - 10.4k gold
Serpent's FangBlack CleaverBloodsong
Umbral GlaiveBoots of SwiftnessOracle Lens
Plated SteelcapsControl WardKnight's VowLocket of the Iron SolariKindlegemSolstice Sleigh
2 / 8 / 16
19 CS - 8.3k gold