Twisted Fate

Twisted Fate

35,518 matches ( Sidste 2 dage )

Starter Items

Items Popularitet
Guardian's OrbGuardian's Hammer
Guardian's ShroudGuardian's Orb
Berserker's GreavesGuardian's Hammer
Sorcerer's ShoesGuardian's Orb
Guardian's Orbx2
Guardian's ShroudGuardian's Hammer
Guardian's Hammerx2
Guardian's HammerGuardian's Dirk
Guardian's OrbIonian Boots of Lucidity
Guardian's BladeGuardian's Hammer

Kerne Items

Items Popularitet

End items

Items Popularitet


Items Popularitet
Sorcerer's Shoes
Berserker's Greaves
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
Boots of Swiftness
Mercury's Treads
Plated Steelcaps


Items Popularitet