
Scholarly Pioneer

Scholarly Pioneer

Demacia Demacia - Unit Unit
Challenger: Can choose which enemy unit blocks.
"It's cold. I'm cold. Everything is cold, all the time. There are some places people just aren't meant to live. Please send me somewhere warm after this." - From the expedition records of the Explorer's Guild Far Reaches Division, allocation: Freljord

Карта в колодах

Регіони Чемпіони Популярність Перемоги
Shurima Targon Demacia Runeterra Noxus ShyvanaMorganaLee Sin
Shurima Demacia Freljord Runeterra Noxus Ionia Bandle City GnarBraumLee Sin
Demacia Bandle City LilliaVex
Shurima Targon Demacia Runeterra Noxus ShyvanaMorganaLee Sin
Demacia Ionia LilliaShen
Shurima Targon Demacia Runeterra Noxus ShyvanaMorganaLee Sin
Demacia Freljord Bandle City Shadow Isles VexAshe
Shurima Targon Demacia Freljord Runeterra Noxus ShyvanaMorganaLee Sin
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