Shadow Isles

Moonlit Glenkeeper

Moonlit Glenkeeper

Shadow Isles Shadow Isles - Unit Unit
Fearsome: Can only be blocked by enemies with 3 or more Power.
Ephemeral: This unit dies when it strikes or when the round ends.
Nightfall: Bonus if this is NOT the first card you play in a round.
Far from the Shadow Isles' shores are copses of trees thought long-dead, crooked and unmoving to all but the most keen observer--who will note that in that moon-drenched soil, new life stirs.

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Ionia Shadow Isles Χέκαριμ
Ionia Shadow Isles Χέκαριμ
Ionia Shadow Isles Χέκαριμ
Ionia Shadow Isles Χέκαριμ
Ionia Shadow Isles Χέκαριμ
Ionia Shadow Isles ΓκουένΧέκαριμ
Ionia Shadow Isles Χέκαριμ
Ionia Shadow Isles Χέκαριμ
Ionia Shadow Isles ΓκουένΧέκαριμ
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